So, you finally decide to produce your very own zoo lights at your zoo, and transform your park into something that looks as though it’s been touched by magic. You’re dreaming of life-sized animal lamps, light tunnels, and the entire zoo, covered in a million dazzling lights that creates an immersive night time zoo lights experience. 

Only one question remains: how do you actually do it?
This is where 3rd party installers come in. With years of experience, these experts know how to get the job done without wasting any of your time and money.

Meet the best 3rd party zoo lights producers.

LEKTRIK is your best option for zoo lights producers. This award-winning company boasts an elite team of creatives who can bring your craziest ideas to life.

There are many reasons why you should only partner with LEKTRIK.

1. They specialize in crafting custom-made pieces and can produce anything.

From light-up animal replicas to trees and towers that are larger than life, there’s no limit to what you can create with Zigong. All ideas are welcome.

Working with some of the biggest zoos across the country, LEKTRIK has successfully done stunning displays over many years and made zoo visits more memorable.

Their work at the ‘Festival of Illumination: World of Lights’ at Southwick’s Zoo is a testament to this.

The 2,000-year-old craft of Chinese lantern-making on display demonstrates how figures built only of silk and steel can draw astonishment. A colossal giraffe stands tall, surrounded by flowers. Right beside it, despite having the dimensions of the real creature, is a lion tamely.” – Milford Daily News

Aside from illuminating flowers and animals, LEKTRIK also welcomed Southwick’s Zoo guests with a glowing cheetah that actually moves!

From above an arch where a sign with ‘Welcome to the World of Lights’ fluoresces, the arm of a cheetah waves, inviting visitors who for the first time will walk into a zoo at night but expect the same amusement as any visit during the daytime.”Milford Daily News

But LEKTRIK has more tricks up their sleeves that are guaranteed to impress your guests. Take this installation that they did for Charleston’s Magnolia Plantation for example:

The ‘Lights of Magnolia’ installation would include Chinese figures, including dragons and foo dogs, but also figures that represented the flora and fauna of Magnolia Plantation, such as peacocks and camellias. […] The centerpiece of the installation is the 200-foot-long dragon, made with more than 26,000 porcelain dinner plates held in place with thread.” – The Post and Courier

Can you imagine walking around a zoo and finding a majestic dragon in the middle? 3D Light displays like these are guaranteed to leave your guests breathless.

2. They are trusted by many.

Because of their professionalism, creativity, and unmatched craftsmanship, a lot of LEKTRIK’s previous clients love working with them over and over again.

“(The lanterns) are works of art, which are custom-made for us by LEKTRIK, with whom we’ve built a great relationship.” – Cindy Brewer, CFO of Southwick’s Zoo

Seeing how they are cultivating relationships with their clients, it’s no wonder why they grew to become the biggest and most influential lantern group in the world.

After each successful festival and event, their partner zoos are always happy, grateful, and excited to open their displays to the public.

3. The only American Owned Lantern Arts Company Worldwide.

Interacting with westerners who speak Chinese and understand the mindset of both eastern and western perspectives can make everyone’s lives a lot easier.  This is truly the most multicultural lantern manufacturer on the market, employing Americans, Chinese, Filipino’s, Europeans, South Americans; speaking all major global languages, with a strong diverse skill set, with eastern and western design perspectives, and the advantages continue to go on. 

D.I.Y. zoo lights installation can be a logistical nightmare.

Some zoos may attempt to install light displays on their own, but buying materials and equipment can be expensive. Then, there are the mistakes you might make along the way that can hike up expenses even more. Plus, think of all the time the employees will be wasting as they keep trying – and failing! – to put together a giant illuminating lion, when they could have been doing the jobs you hired them for.  Zoo locations need to focus on their zoo, animals, and daytime operation.  If they want an award-winning lights installation, they need to partner with LEKTRIK. 

Whether you have a festival or you just want to take the usual zoo experience to the next level, don’t hesitate to call LEKTRIK for world-class zoo lights installation. You can browse their website here: www.zigonglanterngroup.com

Chinese Dragon Mascot